Level 3 Qualification for Cat

As you know, many of our officials wear multiple hats at the Club, with many of them being both coaches and officials (as well as lots of other roles!).  While this isn’t ideal, it’s a necessity that allows the Club to hold licenced competitions for our athletes.

Catarina Hallden has recently been awarded her Level 3 Field Official licence.  Cat is currently the only Level 3 licenced official on the island.

What you may not be aware of is the effort and time it takes to gain these qualifications.  To become a level 3 official, Cat had to have a minimum of 30 officiating experiences, both on and off-island, with assessments carried out on her performance for two of these off-island experiences.  She had to officiate at both County and Regional level competitions, and also demonstrate a full understanding of the rules as part of written test.

We are very grateful to every volunteer who embarks on their Officiating qualifications, and to Jersey Sport for their Workforce grant that allows the officials to travel to the UK for necessary experiences and mentoring.

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