The Sixth race in the 2017/2018 JSAC cross country series, sponsored again by Advisa Financial Advisors.
Sixth race takes place at Pont Marquet, St Brelade Start 1:15pm, Junior and Senior athletes
Entries accepted online: Advisa Series Entry
Age groups from under 9. Entry FREE to all Junior athletes and JSAC members. Medals, spot prizes and trophies awarded.
The provisional Timetable is :
Manual Registration opens at 12:30 pm (this only applies if the runner has not entered or has not received their Race Number).
1:15 pm, Under 9 first.
1:25 pm Under 11,
1:45 pm U13, U15, U17 and Seniors (if relevant). Juniors will run different distances to Seniors in line with England Athletics guidance )