Hi Runners
Weather forecast (wind speed) looks very high for tomorrow afternoon when certain
local weather fronts come through with heavy showers and wind up to gale
force 8 .
As majority of runners are under 13 and the Quennevais area where the course
is exposed I am postponing the Cross Country so as to play on the side of
We shall come up with a replacement date in 2019. That allows you to re
plan your weekend.
Dear Runners for the 4th Advisa Cross Country ,
We are green for Go on this Saturday Cross Country at the Les Quennevais and the pathways through the dunes close to Creepy Valley,
A beautiful location and varied terrain with a wider flat start and finish and some devilish variety underfoot. The wooded area includes firm underfoot terrain but tree branches to be wary of. Runners then find themselves meandering along very soft trails and some sharp down hills along with corresponding ascents.
Thanks for your marshalling help last event. We shall require a different lead runner this week and help to erect the new Club gazebo. The start and finish part of the course is separate to the loop on the dunes and we shall need 3 or 4 marshalls just to direct runners. Please email [email protected] or [email protected]
Please arrive earlyish 12:30 latest to get parked up and confirm your Childs registration with Carly and collect your Number
At the last event Under 13 group managed to miss the very large sign for a left turn so I strongly remind them to walk the course.
The order is :
1:15 Under 9 Girls : 1.2 k (2 x start and finish straight & 1 small loop)
1:25 Under 9 Boys 1.2k (2 x start and finish straight & 1 small loop)
1:35 Under 11 Girls 2k (2 x start and finish straight & 2 small loops)
1:45 Under 11 Boys 2 k (2 x start and finish straight & 2 small loops)
2 pm Under 13 Boys & Girls 3.5 k (2 x start and finish straight & 1 long dune loop)
2:20pm Everyone else including Seniors 6k (2 x start and finish straight & 2 long dune loops)
Kind regards
Chris Dorey
07797 832101
Entries accepted online: Advisa Series Entry
Age groups from under 9. Entry FREE to all Junior athletes and JSAC senior members. Medals, spot prizes and trophies awarded.
The provisional Timetable is :